Tweed Editing and the Text and Academic Authors AssociationI’m delighted to announce that the Text and Academic Authors Association has invited me to present a webinar aimed specifically at scholarly authors who want to elevate their writing so that their projects garner the attention they deserve:

Pushing Your Writing, Raising Your Profile
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
4 p.m. ET


Acquisitions editors, peer reviewers, dissertation committees, and the general reading public are all looking for scholarly writing that is strong both argumentatively and stylistically. To give your scholarship the edge it deserves, you need to push it further on those two fronts. Perhaps your prose is weighed down by unnecessary scare quotes or isn’t guided by an overarching sense of what’s at stake, for instance. In this one-hour webinar, an academic editor identifies missteps that are all too common in ineffective scholarly writing and helps you locate opportunities to push your work to the next level.

After my presentation on ways to push a manuscript argumentatively and stylistically, participants will have the opportunity to pick my brain and receive advice tailored to their concerns. So bring your questions!

The webinar is free for members and $25 for nonmembers. If you don’t already belong to TAA, I urge you to consider membership—not because I earn any kind of commission but because it gives you access not just to my webinar but to dozens of archived webinars and podcasts. Besides, first-time membership is just $15—less than the cost of my presentation alone.

Need more information? Here’s more about my philosophy of pushing writing to achieve more. And as always, you can email me at

I look forward to chatting with you on September 17, if not before.

From Katie