Crafting Your Book
Tweed’s book preparation services give you a competitive edge. Revising your dissertation for publication? Writing a scholarly monograph or article? Tweed offers developmental editing packages that realize the potential of your manuscript or idea.
Developmental editing can proceed on a page-by-page basis—of an entire manuscript or a portion of it—or a writer can elect a potentially multiphasic approach that begins with an assessment. Feel free to email me to discuss your situation: time, budget, and intensity of intervention are all factors in choosing the most beneficial developmental path for your project. For more information on developmental editing as it compares to other types of editing, see all service descriptions.
Developmental editing helps you make the right impression on your reading audience, peer reviewers, and acquisitions editors.
Conceiving Your Dissertation Anew
Your first book is especially important in defining the arc of your career. Remember, dissertations are not books. Academic presses are feeling pressure to produce books that have wider appeal than the specialist communities for whom you may be accustomed to writing. More and more, scholarly publishers are suggesting that prospective authors seek out developmental editing—the earlier, the better.
Page-by-Page Developmental Editing
- Working with you to develop manuscript from initial concept, outline, or draft (or some combination thereof) through any number of subsequent drafts
- Making suggestions about content, organization, and presentation
- Identifying and solving problems of overall clarity and accuracy: organizational weakness, lack of focus, redundancies, nonacademic tone, wordiness, triteness, vague generalizations, unsubstantiated claims, and weak sentence style
Developmental Assessment
For a flat fee, the assessment gives you:
- a summary of the project’s opportunities and challenges, from a publishing perspective
- a detailed restatement of your argument—as it comes across to the intelligent, nonexpert reader
- a run-down of how it could be recalibrated—as thoroughly or delicately as needed—for submission to scholarly presses
- a detailed list of structural issues that gives you the tools to move forward
- an accounting of stylistic issues related to grammar, mechanics, formatting, and disciplinary standards
- for your use, an accounting of all the theses and subtheses identified throughout the manuscript
- a tally of all the topics and subtopics you cover
This is no slim volume; it’s a substantial packet that reflects your precious research and outlines a way forward.
Additional Developmental Services for Your Book
Structural Plan (after an assessment)
Upon extensive and careful consideration, I suggest a thorough restructuring of your argument and table of contents, if warranted. You receive precise recommendations for logical, graceful organization beyond the scholarly apparatus typical of dissertations. Even academics can deploy the kinds of techniques that good journalists and novelists use to create suspense and sustain pace. Plan implementation is also available, as is conversation on any aspects of the process, including constructing a timeline and sticking to it, from initial contact with a publisher to final revisions before submission.
Strategic Feedback on Your Book Proposal
An excellent scholarly book proposal has a compelling concept and makes the case that the title will bring prestige to the publisher. Tweed helps you make the pitch, including identifying your target readers and surveying the book’s market.
Shaping an Effective Title
Even at the proposal stage, this is a critical opportunity to grab attention.
Identifying Publishers
Targeted solicitation is key. Tweed provides a prioritized list of potential outlets for your unique work.

Work with Tweed
Let me know where your book project stands. We can talk opportunities, challenges, timelines, and next steps.