Tweed Resources

Scroll down for original resources in three categories:

TOOLS & PRINTABLES: Compendium of Academic Verbs, Critique Me cover-page template, Writer-at-Work door tag

DISSERTATION-TO-BOOK GUIDES: Step-by-step guides to revising a dissertation into a book manuscript (new editions coming soon!)

WRITING PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION: Computer wallpaper and printable posters to motivate writers

BOOK LIST: Recommendations for academic authors at (affiliate site)


Tools & Printables


Working-from-Home Door Tags

PDFs available in color and mono. To reinforce, print on card stock—or mount on a manila folder!

Tweed’s Ever-Expanding Compendium of Academic Verbs

PDF of 250 verbs useful for discussing scholarship (state, advocate, problematize, elucidate, etc.)



Critique Me

A customizable form to use as a cover sheet when sending drafts to friends and colleagues for feedback

Scholarly Resolution Form

Fill in this certificate to solidify your scholarly resolutions. Any time of year is a great time to think about the reasons for a goal, break it down into steps, decide on resources to consult, and commit to rewarding yourself for achieving it.

Writer-at-Work Door Tag Template

PDF, 3 to a page (give extras to friends and colleagues)


Tweed establishes the Writing Progress Administration to put writers back to work! Initiatives include recasting writing as public work, skill-building, and professional training. Authors are the backbone of a critical and informed society and therefore deserve relief—even if it takes the form of computer wallpapers and printable posters.

Below is a smattering of the WPA’s pro-writer propaganda; visit the blog for all WPA productions.

And don’t forget about the Tweed blog!

These people get it

From Miss Moss comes this update on London's 2010 Tweed Run. Click through for video proof of the tweediness. Such events are something of a trend these days, with my fair city of Portland, Oregon, following suit. (Get it? Suit?!) Here's the link to the London Tweed...

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TWEED greets you!

Academic writing is a special form of communication with its own goals, methods, and conventions. The scholarly writer requires an editor with a critical eye for mechanics and effective argumentation, a firm grasp of academic citation styles, and an appreciation of...

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