Tweed Editing's Blog

Tips, Strategies, and Updates for Academic Writers

Writing Progress Administration: Happy Labor Day

TWEED Writing Progress Administration

TWEED establishes the Writing Progress Administration to put writers back to work! Initiatives include recasting writing as public work, skill-building, and professional training. Authors are the backbone of a critical and informed society and therefore deserve relief—even if it takes the form of computer wallpapers and printable posters.

In honor of Labor Day, TWEED releases the inaugural Writing Progress Administration poster and wallpaper set: Yes, Writing Is Work.

TWEED Writing Progress Administration: Yes, Writing Is WorkIf you have a widescreen computer desktop, click here for the 1440 x 900 wallpaper image.

If you have a computer desktop with standard proportions, click here for the 1024 x 768 wallpaper image.

And here’s the PDF to print out posters for you and yours (white background, 8.5″ x 11″). Be sure to check the setting that scales each page to fit the paper.

TWEED wishes you a very fulfilling Labor Day.

Cross-referencing Terminology

See also cf. graphic

Endnotes and footnotes can include far more than just bare-bones citations. To point to extra sources, scholars use signal phrases and abbreviations, but they are not all interchangeable. These quick guidelines will help you mean what you say and say what you mean.

see: Use this to suggest your reader take a look at a source for a point or fact that you have not already attributed to another source and that does not require a citation (i.e., is not a quotation or paraphrase).

77. See Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies (New York: W. W. Norton, 1999).

see also: This is conventionally used in indexes, but it has a place in citations as well. Just be sure to use it in a way distinct from your use of see, for instance:

22. Noel Ignatiev, How the Irish Became White (New York: Routledge, 2008), 33. See also Nell Irvin Painter, The History of White People (New York: W. W. Norton, 2010).

In the following example, see is preferable because also would be redundant: the introductory phrase already includes the word further.

14. For further analysis, see Martha C. Nussbaum, Women and Human Development (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001).

cf.: This abbreviation is not synonymous with see or see also. Instead, it means “compare” or “see, by way of comparison.” You may, for instance, want to indicate that the source does not agree with your in-text point. Or you may want to reference differing opinions on the matter at hand. Often, though, cf. just indicates that the source does not precisely agree with aforementioned sources or your in-text argument.

45. This is far from an undisputed fact; cf. Paul Krugman, The Return of Depression Economics (New York: W. W. Norton, 2000).

Now you can cross-reference with confidence and, more importantly, consistency. But remember: These signal terms are never italicized when used in notes. Complete publication information is included when the source has not yet been mentioned in notes. And remember: TWEED offers citation management services.

Because, Because, Because: Causality Problems

It’s a danger inherent to complex and formal writing, and I see this mistake often while editing—and in revising my own writing. It’s the error of attributing multiple, competing causes to the main clause in a sentence. Here’s a totally fabricated example:

Small birds of prey are rather easily trained. For this reason, falconry became a popular sport for the upper classes because they had the extra funds to pursue such leisure activities.

The multiple causality arises in the second sentence. The basic formula in evidence in the above example is for this reason + [main clause] + because + [reason]. This does not violate any grammatical or mechanical rules, but the presentation is problematic. Essentially, the core of the sentence, falconry became a popular sport for the upper classes, is given two quite different causes: the ease of training the birds and the disposable wealth of the upper classes.

The multiple causality is competing because of the signal phrase for this reason, which indicates that only one cause will be identified. Almost no one would misread it this way, but the sentence is effectively suggesting that the ease of training and the disposable wealth factors are one and the same. Clearly they are not, so the sentence structure should reflect that.

For clarity’s sake, causality—whether multiple or singular—should be unidirectional and therefore noncompeting. Both of the (again, totally fabricated) reasons in the example passage could have indeed contributed to the rise of falconry as a sport, but dual causality can be better expressed:

Falconry became a popular sport for the upper classes for two main reasons: small birds of prey are rather easily trained, and the wealthy had the extra funds to pursue such leisure activities.

The multiple and competing causality could be rectified in any number of ways, but the key to nipping this writing habit in the bud is being aware of it in the first place. Simply committing to a revision process of any kind is a step in the right direction because this problem is usually a result of stream-of-consciousness writing, which we all do naturally when we are just getting ideas down on paper or screen.

The following are few signal words and phrases that you’ll want to make sure involve only unidirectional, noncompeting causality (if any causality at all). If you spy more than one of these in a sentence or adjacent sentences, take extra care to avoid the multiple, competing causality flub:

  • because
  • so
  • due to
  • as a result
  • effectively
  • therefore
  • a result of
  • determine
  • as a consequence
  • owing to
  • on account of
  • by

Remember, when I say “unidirectional,” I do not mean to suggest that only one cause can be assigned to any one effect, or vice versa. I simply mean that signal phrases work best if they point either forward or backward rather than sandwiching the cause or effect, as the example passage does.

To recap: multiple, competing causality is not a grammatical or mechanical error, but the imprecision can impede readability. In the service of clarity, present your causal statements in as straightforward a way as possible.

In a related note, remember that correlation is not causality. But that’s another topic entirely.

Small Caps = Big Deal

Continuing the trend of capitalization-related posts, here is an ode to the wonders of small caps, a formatting trick that elevates the look of documents instantaneously.

For beautifully typeset headings, try small caps. It gives the look of initial capital letters that are set in a slightly larger font than applies to the other letters—but without the need to manually differentiate the sizes.

Go from


all by using one very, very simple operation.

In Microsoft Word, this effect is achieved quite simply. Hit CTRL+D (COMMAND+D on a Mac) or go to Format>Font and check “small caps.”

Try this in your CVs, letterheads, and section headings throughout academic papers. Instant professionalism!

Toggling Letter Cases

Change Case

Microsoft Word has a handy tool for rectifying inadvertent caps lock: Change Case. This feature will take A PASSAGE LIKE THIS and make it A Passage Like This or a passage like this.

All you need to do to access this feature is hit SHIFT+F3 on a Windows-based computer or COMMAND+OPTION+C on a Mac machine. (Also try ALT+CTRL+C on a Windows machine; that may work as well.) You can also go to Format>Change Case in Word 2003/2004 or find Change Case under Font in the Home tab of Word 2007/2008.

Engaging Change Case cycles through the following formats:

  • Sentence case
  • lowercase
  • Capitalize Each Word (a.k.a. headline-style caps)

This is exceedingly handy not only when caps lock is left on inadvertently but also when formatting citations. Remember, the APA Publication Manual requires Sentence-style capitalization while Chicago and MLA go with Headline-style Caps (I’m modeling the two styles there). Toggle through all of the Change Case options to format according to your style manual.

Some caveats, though:

  • Change Case cannot identify prepositions and conjunctions, neither of which should be capitalized in headline-style caps.
  • The feature is also blind to proper nouns, which always should be capitalized, even in sentence-style caps.
  • Also, Change Case always treats the second word in a hyphenate as a new word and will capitalize or lowercase it depending on the case selected. But, according to Chicago, the second word in a hyphenate should not be capitalized.

Change Case will therefore not cure every caps-related ailment. But it will can move you closer to your ideal combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. Often, this saves a significant amount of time and minimizes last-minute formatting frustrations.

TRY CHANGE CASE TODAY. See If It Helps You. try it in bibliographies and section headings. bUT yOU wILL pROBABLY nEVER hAVE a nEED tO uSE tOGGLE cASE; iT’S jUST wEIRD.